Sunday, October 29, 2006

In Internet Marketing, Winners Are Always Loosers

"Discover how I lost $2700.35 in google ad words"
"Find out how I lost over $31000 in this and that"

Do these statements sound familiar to you? Yes I am sure
they do because they are so common on most websites. But
what is so unique about such statements?

Internet marketers who have already achieved something in
Internet marketing always put them up. Those are the
marketers who in this case I will call the winners of
Internet marketing.

And this brings us to the topic of this article” In
Internet Marketing, Isn’t a winner always a Looser?"

Would your answer to such a question be a yes or a no?
Mine would be a yes.

To understand this, you would need to first ask your self
why those successful Internet marketing gurus are publicly
exposing their past losses. The purpose is to draw your
attention so that they win your mind. End result is you
subscribe to their newsletter, ezine or simply join their
mailing list.

They want to show you that loosing is part of winning in
Internet marketing. Loosing is a route to winning. That is
their aim. They want to show you how they incurred losses
due to poor decisions so that you can avoid them.

Well, if you are new to Internet marketing, you have
realised that Internet marketing is one tuff racket to make
money in.
You will find your self-spending hundreds and even
thousands of dollars on the next greatest thing to
skyrocket you to the top. Buying high cost hype. Do It Now,
Retire By-Monday, and Make Millions over Night Internet
marketing and promotion software and information.

Then once you buy all that hype you have to buy the next
product to get you to the next step, and then you need
another product to optimise that! And to make it better you
need to get another product! Oh and here is another
suggestion, buy this product to boost that product even

As a result, you will want to give up thinking that
Internet marketing is just a money drain with no profits
coming from it.

No Internet marketing is a very profitable undertaking.
There is a lot of money to be made. But only if: (1) You
know how to approach it and (2) You have the correct
mindset at the start.

So what Mindset should you have?
The mindset you should have at the very beginning is that
of never giving up. It is true that you will loose money
here and there. That should not make you give up. Just know
that those who become successful also experienced some
losses at first. I have lost a lot of money in Internet
marketing but I have also got more than what I lost. The
Late cory Rudl lost some money at the start, but he died
leaving a successful marketing team that make over six
million per year. Mike Filsaime and other Internet
marketing experts also faced the same setbacks, but they

You will be told that ezine advertising is very effective.
You will try it and yet get like only one sale. You have
lost money. Not so? Should you give up on ezine
advertising? No you should not.

Reason is that, the truth is ezine advertising is cost
effective and can give you a very quick return on
investment. You will also loose money in ad words and other
ppc advetising, but should you give it up. No it is very
effective. That is why top Internet marketing experts
continue using it.

So what is the problem then? The problem is that you do not
know how to play the game. You do not know the rules of
Internet marketing.

Here is how you should approach Internet marketing:

1- Always enlist the help of a mentor.
You do not have to re-invent the wheel. Many people have
done what you are trying to do and they have succeeded in
it. So just look over their shoulders for guidance. Buy
their ebooks, the software they use, attend their seminars,
participate in their live call and so on. This will reduce
on your learning curve and cut down on the losses you would
have incured while shortening on your pay back period.

2- Track and Test.
For every dollar that you spend on Internet marketing,
make sure it is tracked. Track your ezine and ad words ads
to see which one delivers and which one does not. Which
ezine is responsive and which one is a waste of your money.
Test your sales copy. Test your website conversion ratio.
In other words, test and track virtually all aspects of
your business and marketing campaigns. The purpose should
be to improve and cut down on unnecessary losses.

3- Invest in your self.
Similar to number one, do a lot of reading related to
Internet marketing. Download free reports, buy Internet
marketing ebooks, and listen to Internet marketing audios
and videos so that you get to know what works and what does
not work.

4- Do not go for free
In Internet marketing, you should not be deceived that you
can make any significant money from free

Programmes or marketing gimmicks. Search engine traffic is
free, but you have to invest in knowledge and software to
get reasonable free traffic from search engines.
Article submission is free but you will find that for wide
distribution and maximum results you have to invest some
Join this for free. Download this software for free. Only
to find that either it has limited functionalities until
you upgrade.

5- Have a clear well laid out Internet marketing plan.
Follow point number one and you will be able to develop
your own marketing plan.

So in Internet marketing, isn’t a winner always a looser?

The author is Lubowa.M.Planet
Discover over 127 Internet marketing software that have
turned him from a looser to a winner at